Moroccan Wedding: Celebrating arts and crafts !

Moroccan Wedding: Celebrating arts and crafts !

A wedding is always synonymous with joy, both for the families involved and the guests. The organization can sometimes be tedious, which is why preparations for the festivities are often made well in advance. Therefore, it is essential to rely on vendors and merchants...
When to wear a Jabador?

When to wear a Jabador?

The jabador is a traditional Moroccan attire worn by men. It is usually made of cotton but can also be crafted from satin or velvet fabric. It consists of a long-sleeved shirt with a high collar. When we think of the jabador, it immediately brings to mind the...
Awra of men: let’s review the matter?

Awra of men: let’s review the matter?

Are you a Muslim and wondering what awra is? Or perhaps you simply want to know which area it concerns? Muda Paris offers you this brief summary of what you need to know about the awra of men. What is awra? The term awra comes from the Arabic language and corresponds...
Oriental outfits for men: our overview

Oriental outfits for men: our overview

Although the Orient has always been a source of inspiration in the collective imagination, it remains that behind this general label lies a multitude of different civilizations. From the Maghreb to Afghanistan, traditional clothing carries the heritage of a common...